Digital 2 Thinking

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Trimming the Unit Plan Video

Some are reporting that the link in the email message I sent out about what should be trimmed from the unit plan requirements is not working. Some are reporting that it is working, but if your try did not, here's another try.

Try this link: Trimming the Unit Plan - Centra Video Playback

The last ten minutes address the unit plan trim. Used the pull-down to jump to that spot.

As it could be that the entire link address is difficult to copy or your email program is really only including part of the address in its link, I've pasted the entire link into the text link above. This link should take you to the Centra site. Enter your email address and it should give you the choice to play live from the server (OK if you have broadband) or allow you to download (could take more than an hour with a dial-in connection).

If neither of those versions will work from home, then you'll need to get a high speed connection on campus or at after school.